by karolinakiwerska | Apr 2, 2023 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Food, healing, Jordan, kkonscious, MiddleEast, pustynia, Ramadan, trips with KK, viajar con KK, wadirum
I got up, brushed my teeth somewhere in the middle of the Wadi Rum desert…The mattress was too hot from the sun, so I just took a blanket and laid on the floor outside…The body really needs it during Ramadan. Without the food, the energy, it is really a must to relax, meditate, contemplate and sleep….The second day I was sleeping all day long, I could barely keep my eyes open… I guess just like bears that go into hibernation without food for winter…
by karolinakiwerska | Feb 15, 2023 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Jordan, kkonscious, MiddleEast, pustynia, trips with KK, Uncategorized, viajar con KK, wadirum
Today is almost full moon, and tomorrow again 1 month I am in the Wadi Rum Desert, living like a Nomad. No home, no hotel, no steady place. Just moving with life. No thinking no expectations and you never know what tomorrow will bring. Plans change in Wadi Rum Desert from one minute to another and planning is quite difficult. Most of the time I am sleeping in a cave, it is a half cave and half a Bedouin tent, I would say…